June 4, 2013

Summer should not be synonymous with flip flops.
Flip flops are great for the pool, yoga and errands;
but there are other shoes to life.
Summer is the time for sundresses and shorts, with the perfect shoe to match.
There are too many good shoes for summer out there right now,
not to partake would be a sin.

Top 4 Summer Shoe Trends

A huge trend right now in the way of accessories.
Never a wrong way to accessories with neon, the same cannot be said about clothes.

I can not get enough of this trend.
T strap your sandals and your heels.
Anke straps are so good with rolled skinnies and summer dresses.

Yes, there is such thing as a bootie for summer.
The perferated leather just adds to another trend, these boots are on point. 
They are perfect for your feet this hot season.

Gold, silver, bronze, rose, mix it all.
Your bracelets do not have to match your shoes.
Go wild.

xoxo, lex

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